Thursday, January 13, 2011

Her Thoughts - Manila, Clark, Cavite

The US trip won't push through.

But it's alright. Me and my better half have trips of our own this year. Trips I am more excited about. Aside from the 11 cities this year, we've added another trip before all that.

We'll be in Manila on February 10, for his real estate broker's oathtaking. While we're there, we've also decided to scout Binondo for the teng hun* items. There are tons of things to prepare, but we're trying to make it as simple as possible. Simple in the sense that we'll only include things that would be of use to us.

This trip coincidentally falls on the Hot Air Balloon Festival in Clark. We're planning to have one of our prenup photoshoots there with hopefully a gazillion, colorful, hot air balloons as the backdrop. One can even ride the balloons for a jaw-dropping rate of 150 USD! Flying a 2-seater plane also comes with the event, at an even higher price!

We'll be busy on this trip. Aside from the oathtaking, Binondo shopping and Clark photo shoot, it'll be Valentine's Day weekend! Star-struck lovers such as us, still celebrate that. It'll be our first and last Valentine's before the big day. We plan to catch A Night with Jose Mari Chan concert at the Island Cove Hotel in Kawit, Cavite.

Despite the hectic schedule, I'm looking forward to this trip. Though I'm hoping we won't get too caught up with our plans that we forget to relax and enjoy.

* traditional Chinese engagement ceremony. There's the Little Khan Chui Book for the guide of the things to prepare. Request for a copy in the comments section so I can email you a copy.

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